
What is The Africa Edition?

Produced 3 times a week by a dedicated staff in Nairobi, ‘The Africa Edition’ is constantly updated to bring you the top news aggregation/stories from around the entire continent.

Biography: Nasser Ega-Musa

Nasser recently departed the United Nations after more than 2 decades. His last posting was as Director, UN Information Centre for Kenya, Uganda and Seychelles. During his career, Nasser has had the opportunity to advice and directly work with a number of world leaders including: UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, (now President) Sahle-Wok Zewde (Ethiopia), President Olusegun Obassanjo (Nigeria) and President Benjamin Mkapa (Tanzania). Some of the key initiatives he has worked on include peace negations in Kenya after the 2008 political crisis, as well as the Democratic Republic of Congo peace/crisis talks. In the private sector he worked for and helped Reebok International develop an international corporate social responsibility strategy. Nasser was born in Mombasa and educated at Wesleyan University in Connecticut and the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, Medford, Massachusetts.

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